Eyes can be highlighted with soft dots between the eyelashes and more prominent lines that replace the eye makeup. The version of the line is pre-drawn by the beautician without make-up and is approved by the client.

Care for permanent eye make-up:

  • In 2 days after the procedure, the eyes may be slightly puffy
  • In case of minor eye irritations, use eye drops, we recommend Ophtalmo-septonex
  • On the day of application, there may be small swelling or redness around the pigmented area
  • Keep the pigmented area clean and dry for 4 days after application
  • Do not remove exfoliating skin
  • Protect the treated area from direct sunlight and use a cream with a protection level of SPF 50
  • Do not go to the pool and sauna for a week
  • Do not wash for 24 hours